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Clone the main repository to the production machine when setting up the application.

All services are deployed from Docker images -- either custom images build from the two other repositories or 3rd-party images.

Core services

  1. Bring up the database.

    These commands create a fresh postgres container and run the initial migrations to set up the required database schema.

    docker-compose up -d postgres
    docker-compose run dbt alembic upgrade head
  2. Bring up remaining core services.

    docker-compose up -d

After these steps the output from docker ps should be similar to the following:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                   COMMAND                   PORTS                                 NAMES
e4d5eb5434d1   nginx:stable-alpine     "/docker-entrypoint.…">80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp     nginx
0b1fa78b9037   metaqs-fastapi          "/"        80/tcp                                fastapi
13d2f71dc4b9   metaqs-dbt              "/bin/sh -c 'dbt com…"    8580/tcp                              dbt
5bc6326076f4   erikvl87/languagetool   "bash"           8010/tcp                              languagetool
df4f2c3472be   postgres:14             "docker-entrypoint.s…"    5432/tcp                              postgres


See Dashboard -> Setup for further details.